Is it true that blacks are the best lovers in the world, and that the size of a man’s “dignity” is crucial? Should we believe such “folk omens” on

Is it true that the world’s best lovers are Negroes, and that the size of a man’s “dignity” is crucial? And is it always necessary to believe such “folk omens”?

Myth one. “Sex giants” are those men who have been endowed by nature with impressive sized male “dignity”

Scientists-sexologists are unanimous in the opinion: the size of the penis affects the sexual function very slightly. “Sex giants” are first of all men of temperament, capable of feeling a woman, to guess her desires in bed.

Myth two. They say that the size of the shoes that a man wears and the size of his nose indicate the length of the penis

Complete nonsense! What you should really look at is the ratio of height to leg length. It’s usually about half the height. But the shorter legs (!), the higher sexual activity of their owner and the more impressive his male “pride.

Myth number three. Hairy men – very passionate in bed

Indeed, the degree of “hairiness” can tell a lot about the sexuality of the partner, but only when we are talking about the pubic area (and it is, until it comes to the “hot”, just do not see!). The more pronounced the pubic triangle, the stronger the sexual energy of the person. A hairy chest does not mean anything – the fact that testicular testosterone – the male sex hormone – is produced by the sex glands, and body hairiness depends on a different hormone, which is produced by the adrenal glands.

Myth number four. If a woman does not have an orgasm every time, then she is frigid

Absolutely wrong! Frigid can only be called a person who is absolutely indifferent to sex and has never experienced sexual desire. If you still have …answer these five questions:

  1. Do you reach orgasm by caressing yourself?
  2. Do you have erotic dreams?
  3. Do you feel aroused when you are caressed and kissed by a man?
  4. Do you have erotic fantasies?
  5. Do you like movies like “Wild Orchid” or “9 1/2 Weeks”?

If you answered yes to at least one of these questions, you can immediately

dismiss any doubts about your frigidity as unfounded.

Myth five. Alcohol loosens up in bed and makes sex more sensual

Yes, if it is a good glass of wine, it really helps partners to relax and not be constrained in their desires. But more often we are not talking about one glass, but rather a bottle of champagne, wine, or even vodka. Taking alcohol in such quantities weakens the erection and libido.

Myth number six. Men have a better developed sexual capacity than women.

Quite the opposite: after a “rough finish” a woman has nothing to stop her “to continue”, while most men find it difficult to get a new erection soon after ejaculation.

Myth seven. A man always knows if his partner had an orgasm

Also a mistake. Often he, absorbed in his own sensations, simply does not notice the orgasm in a woman, because he does not know how to recognize it. That is why many men are successfully deceived by their partners by imitating orgasm with loud sighs and moans, intermittent breathing, etc.